WAP to enter a marks in any subject and print the equivalent grade in C | TL

WAP to enter a marks in any subject and print the equivalent grade in C

Q. Write a program that asks student to enter his/her mark in any subject and print the equivalent grade. Your program should display "Invalid Input!", if the mark entered is less than 0 or more than 100. (2019, 3(a)- 8 Marks)

==> Code goes like this: 

int main()
    float marks;
    printf("\n Enter marks(in %) : ");
    if(marks>=80 && marks<=100)
        printf("\n A Grade");
    else if(marks>=60 && marks<=79)
        printf("\n B Grade");
    else if(marks>=50 && marks <=59)
        printf("\n C Grade");
    else if(marks>=40 && marks<=49)
        printf("\n D Grade");
    else if(marks>=0 && marks<=39)
        printf("\n E Grade");
        printf("\n Invalid input");
    return 0;



I have used Dev CPP to compile this program.
If you are using Turbo C++ IDE, then use conio.h in link section after stdio.h
and use getch(); to hold the output screen, just before the end of main function.
If you have any confusion regarding the program, please, comment below.
Happy Coding !
Thank you
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Interested in Information Technology, Spreading Knowledge for Nepalease IT Students."Loves Traveling", Listen Music and Surfing web.
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