Graphics.h setup/configuration in Dev C++ for Graphics Compilation | TL

Graphics.h setup/configuration in Dev C++ for Graphics Compilation

 As you know, there is no built-in graphics.h setup in Dev C++ which creates us problem for compiling C/C++ graphics programs  and throws error. 

So, what's the solution? 

Easy, in this video ==> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uRzbOSrOr0 we have explained and demonstrated everything practically and shown by compiling C/C++ program. Have a look.

If you encounter any problem while following this entire process and unable to successful in compiling process, please, let us know in comment section. 

Also, if you think it's useful as a title, then hit a like button, share this video & subscribes to the channel as well.

Thank you. 

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About Nepali Xoro

Interested in Information Technology, Spreading Knowledge for Nepalease IT Students."Loves Traveling", Listen Music and Surfing web.
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