Find out model, serial no, mac, ip, hostname, no. of RAM slots, CPU details and many more in a single click | TL

Find out model, serial no, mac, ip, hostname, no. of RAM slots, CPU details and many more in a single click

If you have ever tried to find out the model of your computer or laptop? 

or the IP address, Host name, mac address etc? 


You can find these things by command prompt as well. There are various commands available for ip: ipconfig/all, for mac: getmac etc. 

You can check your HDD, RAM, OS details etc by Right Clicking on  My Computer or This Pc and properties. 

For Hard Disc Details : You can go to disk management for that type: diskmgmt on run command.

But doing these things separately is some kind of hassle no?

Isn't there an easy way available? 

Yes, it's available. Thanks to PC Audit tool

With this tool you can find everything about your PC or Laptop including (Model, Serial no, IP Address, Mac Address, Host Name, HDD Details, Memory (RAM) Details, OS Details, CPU Details (architecture, CPU, generation of CPU ), Motherboard and BIOS details, Monitor and each and everything about your PC or Laptop. 

Not only that, you can get all software installed on the PC as well as all the processes running at particular time. 

Finally, you can save that PC details in .txt format for future use.

Okay, so where to find that tool?

Just hit this  : Download Now  button and save that tool.

It's portable one, you don't need to install it. 

When you double click on it, it will start to gather all the information about your System and serve it for you. 

Have a look : 

To save it for future use, 

Goto File>Save as>give filename>save. 

If you encounter any issues regarding this, don't worry, here is a full video explaining and demonstrating these things. 

Have a look : Video Link 

That's all for now. 

Don't forget to subscribe our channel. If you like the video and post, please, share it with your friends as well.

Stay Safe ! Stay Positive ! 

Thank you.

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About Nepali Xoro

Interested in Information Technology, Spreading Knowledge for Nepalease IT Students."Loves Traveling", Listen Music and Surfing web.
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