Every type of number system conversion explained with examples | TL

Every type of number system conversion explained with examples

Alright, beautiful souls, you are here, it means you are interested to know about the number system and it's conversion, right? 

Okay then, Let's start. 

We have different types of number systems like: Binary, Octal, Decimal & Hexadecimal. 

Binary with base 2 (i.e. 1 & 0) also called machine codes(bits),

Octal with base 8 (i.e. 0-7),

Decimal with base 10(i.e. 0-9) which we use in regular day to day tasks  & at last,

Hexadecimal with base 16(i.e. 0-9, A-F)

When we deal with those numbers, sometimes we need to convert them from one number system to another number system. For example : what comes if we convert binary (10001) to Hexadecimal or like that. 

So, in many computer science or IT courses, you have to convert them as your classwork's, assignments etc.

IT jobs in government offices like : Computer Operator, IT officer have to face the number system and it's conversion in their exams. 

So, we have categorized number system conversion in three category as below and explained them one by one in detail in video to give you the proper idea about these systems and conversion.

Conversion types:

1. Decimal to other base conversion 

- Decimal to binary 
- Decimal to octal
- Decimal to hexadecimal 

Detail video : here 

2. Other base to decimal conversion 

  • Binary to decimal
  • Octal to decimal
  • Hexadecimal to decimal

Detail video: here  

3. Other base to other base conversion

  • Binary to octal
  • Octal to binary
  • Binary to hexadecimal
  • Hexadecimal to binary
  • Octal to hexadecimal
  • Hexadecimal to octal

Detail video : here

So, we hope after watching these videos and doing given tasks, now you are able to play with all type of number system conversion. Cheers! for that. 

If you have any confusion, queries or thoughts, you can leave them to comment section below. 

Alright, that's all for now. 

stay Safe ! stay Positive ! 

Have a great time ahead ! 

  • Thank you. 

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About Nepali Xoro

Interested in Information Technology, Spreading Knowledge for Nepalease IT Students."Loves Traveling", Listen Music and Surfing web.
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